Looking for Visual Signature Capture? We have now rebranded this product as CareLynks.

Release Notes - Visual Form Editor 9.20

Release Notes - Visual Form Editor 9.20

New Features

  1. Improved speed of file save
  2. Added additional (undocumented) data symbols that are available in EMR
  3. Added Save All and Close All options to the File menu
  4. Added program option to include uncapitalized observation terms from database in case insensitive alphabetic order
  5. Added additional options for Visual Signature Capture template data including CHC data, sexual orientation, gender identity and insurance display name
  6. Added program option to include community health center (CHC) data in Visual Signature Capture templates
  7. Added additional options regarding data review in Visual Signature Capture templates including allowing additional items to be placed in the data review list and changing the highlight color for reconciliation

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed issue importing from an EFM file where there is a string containing ']' character
  2. Fixed issue where post-processing entries could be lost when editing Visual Signature Capture templates
  3. Set focus on Find toolbar when using Ctrl+F for Ctrl+H to activate find/replace functionality