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Release Notes - Visual Form Editor 9.13

Release Notes - Visual Form Editor 9.13

New Features

  1. Added commands/shortcuts to Comment (Ctrl+K) or Uncomment (Ctrl+Shft+K) a block of code in MEL expressions
  2. Added shortcut to Find All Occurrences within the form of the selected text in a MEL expression using Ctrl+Shft+F
  3. Changed the Add Function shortcut in MEL expressions from Ctrl+Shft+F to Ctrl+Shft+N
  4. Added command/shortcut to Go To Definition of a function in the MEL view of a form using F12
  5. Added the ability to back tab in a MEL expression in a form dialog (e.g. Translation) using Ctrl+Shft+Tab
  6. Improved launching EMR Help on data symbols when there is a current selection

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed vertical placement of text for labels in encounter forms to more closely reflect behavior in the EMR.
  2. Fixed handling of hard returns in Create Translation dialog