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Release Notes - Visual Form Editor 8.00

Release Notes - Visual Form Editor 8.00

New VFE Features

  1. Support for high DPI monitors
  2. New toolbar icons

New Centricity Encounter Form Features

  1. Updated Find and Replace for encounter forms.  It has been moved to a toolbar. Find and replace now allow global options in addition to within the Function View
  2. Added ability to select broader range of colors for encounter form items (text color and background color)
  3. Added tabbed view for Build results and Find results
  4. Added shortcuts for use when editing MEL.
    • Ctrl+Shft+F: Insert Function
    • Ctrl+Shft+D: Insert Medication DDID
    • Ctrl+Shft+I: Insert Problem Code (e.g. ICD-10)
    • Ctrl+Shft+M: Insert Add Medication data symbol expression
    • Ctrl+Shft+P: Insert Add Problem data symbol expression
    • Ctrl+Shft+O: Insert Add Order data symbol expression
    • Ctrl+Shft+T: Insert Observation Term
    • Ctrl+Shft+S: Insert Insert Symbol (DOCUMENT variable or PATIENT attribute)
  5. Creation of a .CSV file that includes a list of observation term information when clinical kits are saved
  6. Updated the tab order in Options dialog
  7. Ability to search based on problem code
  8. Added option to compact white space when saving forms/libraries
  9. Added refresh option for MEL view in forms and function libraries which will update syntax coloring
  10. Added information about clinical kit files and libraries for the form to the .TXT file
  11. Added option to store list of DOCUMENT variables in the .TXT file when saving a form
  12. Ability to set a default form width in the global options
  13. Rewrote how unique identifiers are generated and added an option to the Tools menu to regenerate all unique identifiers in a form
  14. Updated dialog appearances to be easier to read. In particular, updated column widths in medication, problem and modifier search listboxes. Default problem type to "Diagnosis of" in Add Problem dialog
  15. Added auto-save functionality for function libraries
  16. Deleting functions from a function library will now return a confirmation prompt

The file format has changed to support new functionality and previous versions of the editor will not open files created with Version 8.

New Visual Signature Capture Document Template Features

  1. New target type Demographics.  Some Patient demographics can now be shown on a template and a subset of those can be updated (requires Visual Signature Capture 4.x)
  2. Images can now be stored in and referenced from the database (requires Visual Signature Capture 4.x)
  3. Processing tab added to Capture Template Information dialog
  4. Property Override moved to new Processing tab
  5. Post-processing section added to the new Processing tab. 
  6. Post-processing: You can add a new template for the patient based on a comparison of an observation term or temporary data
  7. Post-processing: You can set a value to an Observation Term, Temporary Data, or a System Property.
  8. Post-processing: To set a value, you can concatenate values into strings or perform basic math operations on values
  9. Post-processing: To set a value, you can use the markup language FreeMarker to perform operations and save the result to an Observation Term, Temporary Data, or a System Property.
  10. Output specifications:  Control outputs by adding one or more Output Specifications in the Output Specifications section of the Processing tab. Custom Output Specifications can also be used
  11. Check boxes now have a List option.  A comma separated list will now create multiple check boxes tied to the same observation term or temorary data
  12. Default signature items to be required and data displays to use tables
  13. Ability to set a default line height in item templates
  14. Save XML template in UTF-8 format option in Template Information dialog checked by default

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed some problems with importing of clinical kit file
  2. Fixed scrolling with the track pad in Windows 10
  3. Fixed problem with additional message beeps during file save. You will now hear only a single beep if there are errors which are displayed