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Release Notes - Visual Form Editor 2.10

Release Notes - Visual Form Editor 2.10

New Features

  1. Added output view which displays errors, item list and translation list
  2. Data validation for edit fields and dropdowns
  3. Expanded and integrated help system
  4. Integrated Function View and Function Library with Logician 5.6 help file symbols.hlp to provide context sensitive help on standard MEL functions
  5. Added greater integration with Logician database to simplify selection of appropriate folders, forms, flowsheets
  6. Added interface for MEL_ADD_ORDERS() function
  7. Auto-save feature to create backup of working version of all open forms every 2 minutes
  8. Added ability to set word wrap for MEL expressions
  9. Smart formatting functionality has been improved
  10. Right-click in the function view window provides quick access to common operations
  11. Make Same Size option in the Tools pulldown allows quick resizing of all items in multi-item row (or all columns)
  12. Enhanced suppression block functionality
  13. Enhanced container/server functionality to create an integrated translation from multiple forms
  14. Font for the Function view can be changed
  15. Clicking on the down arrow on the left of a dropdown item allows viewing of the item list within Visual Form Editor

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed problem in handling document variable names which are a subset of another document variable name (e.g. DOCUMENT.HEARING and DOCUMENT.HEARING_EXAM)
  2. Fixed a problem with handling of SETVALUES buttons where the button occurred before the items it is meant to set
  3. Fixed a problem with setting opposing list boxes when the list box is attached to an observation term
  4. Fixed a problme that could occasionally occur when moving a section onto a row that already contained two or more sections