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Release Notes - Visual Form Editor 7.00

Release Notes - Visual Form Editor 7.00

New EMR Encounter Form Features

  1. Added new Family History dialog
  2. Allow selection of ICD-10 and SNOMED codes from the EMR database
  3. Improved undo/redo functionality when writing MEL
  4. Added ability to increase/decrease indent on multiple lines of MEL code using Tab and Shift+Tab
  5. Added additional information to .TXT file when saving encounter forms including: EMR folder, description, comments and program build options at the time the form was saved
  6. Display EMR folder and form name in Output View when saving
  7. Added additional speed optimization options for encounter forms
  8. Maintain variable references when saving encounter forms

New Visual Signature Capture Document Template Features

  1. Allow additional configuration of Signature items including: sizing, allowing a custom label below the box, customization of the button label and hiding the signature line and/or associated bitmap.
  2. Support for new Image item type that will either display a static image or allow drawing on the image
  3. Updated predefined options available
  4. Allow overriding Visual Signature Capture application settings for a specific template
  5. Added new options for sections including setting a border and creating a page break before the section
  6. Error checking on saving templates
  7. Create automatic backup of templates to use for restoring if program terminates without closing properly
  8. Allow retrieval of observation terms from a specific update or the current date only
  9. Allow items in a multi-item row to be displayed as a single statement without columns/breaks

    NOTE: UTF-8 templates are not currently supported in Visual Signature Capture 3.10, but this is anticipated to be included in a future release

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed bug where some options would overlap when configuring sections in an encounter forms
  2. Fixed problems with refreshing of syntax coloring
  3. Ensure that observation terms don't have duplicate references due to differences in capitalization
  4. Fixed handling of multi-line edit fields in document templates that receive a list (e.g. medication list)