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Release Notes - Visual Form Editor 5.01

Release Notes - Visual Form Editor 5.01

New Features

  1. Display drop list in upper right corner of overlapping visibility regions to select region to be displayed
  2. Dialog for simplified creation of item translation
  3. Allow "Previous value by user" or "Previous value by LOC" options in SETVALUES buttons
  4. Additional warnings in output view including:
    1. If line in EFM may be greater than 2000 characters
    2. If an opposing list box doesn't exist
    3. If a SETVALUES button has targets that don't exist or are duplicated
    4. If database can't be opened to verify observation terms
  5. Beep when saving form if errors (not warnings) found, database can't be opened, observation terms not found in database or clinical kit file size is too large
  6. Allow restoring of some form information from a clinical kit if the fd/fs or dlg files are lost
  7. Allow user to update User Name/Product ID information without reinstalling the software
  8. Faster display of item properties dialog when an item is connected to an observation term
  9. Faster update of syntax coloring in MEL windows
  10. Removed space after label in default chart note translation if label is blank
  11. Improved optimize for speed functionality
  12. Improved integration with different EMR databases
  13. Warning/error messages have been enhanced to provide more information
  14. Information in the registry is stored in the CURRENT_USER folder rather than LOCAL_MACHINE folder in order to comply with Windows User Account Control recommendations

Bug Fixes

  1. Allow undo of drag/drop text in MEL windows
  2. Prevent overwriting an existing function library if user tries to save a new function library with an existing library name
  3. Fixed bug where Help would sometimes not launch or launch twice when F1 key pressed
  4. Prevent errors if function in function view identified by "function " rather than "fn "
  5. Prevent bug where other item types could be dropped between overlapping visibility regions